S3E1 - The Need for Energy, Equity, & Justice

1 year ago

In this episode, we meet with Daphany Rose Sanchez. Daphany is an experienced community organizer and an expert in climate and housing. Born and raised in New York City public housing, Daphany witnessed and lived through the intersections of housing discrimination, climate divestment, and economic injustice. Her experience moved Daphany to fight for climate resiliency in the communities she grew up in, organizing neighborhoods across every borough in the city while working alongside renewable energy companies to provide people with the tools they need to reduce their energy bills and keep their homes protected from natural disasters. She graduated from NYU Tandon School of Engineering and holds a Master of Science in Environmental Policy and Sustainability Management from the New School.

-We learn about Daphany’s story in public housing

-We learn about addressing energy justice in energy insecure communities

-We learn about the policy and organizing to achieve energy justice

Follow and connect with Daphany on socials: Instagram: @daph_nyc_ X: @Daph_NYC_ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daphanysanchez/

Check out KC3 and what they do: https://kc3.nyc/what-we-do

An important article to check out: https://www.publichealth.columbia.edu/news/survey-reveals-extent-energy-insecurity-new-york-city#:~:text=More%20than%20one%20in%20four,in%20debt%20for%20energy%20costs.

Learn about how eligible households can receive energy services: https://www.nyc.gov/site/hra/help/energy-assistance.page

A podcast episode to check out: Just Energy: Energy poverty and energy insecurity with Destenie Nock https://open.spotify.com/episode/7Jpo6qwYZwUtrHgYr6DGmZ?si=WooP0oYXRj-ZPDXscih2wg

Kristy Drutman